Clear Skies Title Agency

Victor Liu of Clear Skies Title Agency in Millburn NJ

Victor Liu, Co-Founder & Partner
(908) 810-7402

Clear Skies Title Agency in Millburn NJ

16 Bleeker Street, Suite A; Millburn, NJ 07041


The phrase 'title agency' rarely evokes emotions of excitement, joy, or passion. Yet, for the couple who signed closing documents for their first NJ home purchase at the hospital, within an hour of delivering their first child, or the busy family that needed a notary to meet them at the airport to close on their loan before leaving for their two-month vacation, Clear Skies was there to offer a positive impact, a creative solution, and unwavering dependability.

Clear Skies strives to maximize the positive emotions that purchasing a home should be associated with — from using our online title insurance calculator to settlement services. Many of our clients refer to us as one of the “best title insurance agencies in New Jersey”.

Clear Skies specializes in comprehensive title insurance and settlement services throughout NJ. Our services include: searching title, performing title exams, managing escrow funds, securing title insurance, settlement and notary services. Our commitment to service provides each of our clients with peace of mind that their property title is clear and ensures a smooth and efficient transfer of the real estate.

Ensuring homeownership is our purpose, having you love us is our passion. 


Beth Sullivan, Coldwell Banker Realty